Pet trade jobs are an employment opportunity that will have you dealing with animals on a regular basis. Those jobs could include being a zookeeper, veterinary, animal assistant, breeder, manufacturer of animal products including food. Pet jobs are in high demand with the growing rise of both domestic and non-domestic pets. With Pet jobs comes many laws on which pets can be traded, which must be left in the wild, etc. Legal trade in the wildlife is specified by the sale of wildlife, although it is done in a sustainable manner. For example, wildlife farms with the intent of selling, an activity which does not usually cause any negative effects to the ecosystem. It may also solve many other issues with the animal species and ecosystem. An exotic pet is a non-domestic or a not so common household pet that can also be endangered. These pets could be any of the following:
These are just a few of the animals considered non-domestic. A number of animals are now bred in captivity across the UK. Although, millions of wild animals are continuously trapped in countries like South American and Africa then used in the pet trade. These trades also called wild-caught exotic animals often lead to the animal dying either when they have been caught, during transport to where they will be sold, and before they are sold to a buyer. This is part of why animals are becoming extinct in the world. The CITES known as Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is known as an international agreement that is designed to ensure international trade in wild animals will not threaten their survival by preventing or restricting trade with certain endangered animals. If you have an opportunity to apply to pet trade jobs, make sure that the company you’re applying to is obeying all of the rules and regulations of the industry.
Reasons to be concerned
When wildlife trade occurs in a specific location for example the United Kingdom it threatens the local ecosystem. It also puts all species under more pressure especially with facing threats like overfishing, dredging, deforestation, and other methods of habitat destruction. The issue at hand is that wildlife is traded alive or dead.
What about buying or adopting a pet
Prior to bringing up any new pet non-domestic or domestic one should have all necessary equipment in place, enough time to spend with the number of your family, a steady income for vet bills and animal health, as well as the commitment to provide for the animal on a long term basis. Pets from all over are looking for people to care for them, feed them, and give them the love and attention they need. Think of a pet as your child, you will take care of the animal, feed it, water it, and make sure all medical needs are met. Always check with a trained animal professional to make sure that you have all needed equipment and foods to take care of the new animal in your home.